Monday, 17 October 2011

YEAR 13 - Assessment Week - Tasks

Hi all

This week is your first assessment week. My expectations are:

1: That your blogs are up to date and show a weekly digest of work and progress made (since the start of term) - You can work backwards and reflect on what you have covered in Media each week (in both classes)

2: That you have been using Twitter/Blog regularly and effectively.  (Make sure you have followed all Media students on both the blogs and on Twitter)

3: That you have met the following deadline for your MEST 4:

BLOG Submission TITLE = Contemporary TEXTUAL ANALYSIS (+ relevant Historical textual analysis)  

Show evidence on your blog that you have done this. (You should take print screens / pictures of your work and upload them as images into the blog post) 

DEADLINE = 19th October   
Do a DETAILED thorough (wide date ranging) textual MIGRAIN analysis of the text(s)

* Ensure that you address ALL platforms in your analysis of the text.

*Gather lots of visual material both hard copy and online.

* Track  hourly work log/keep a blog journal of reflections as you proceed. 

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

YEAR 13 - MY Investigation will be on

Create a Blog Post with this title: (My Critical Investigation Idea)

*Answer the following questions

1:  What were your three possible investigation options
- Why did these three interest you?

2: What have you settled on

**Lay out your initial ideas for your Critical Investigation and Linked Production.
1: Outline the Text and Topic to be investigated
2: Outline an idea for a linked production piece
3: List at least 3 Media texts that you could bring into your investigation
4: Apply a quick overview of MIGRAIN to your idea.
5: What are the issues and debates surrounding these two texts?
6: State why you believe the 2 texts fit the 'contemporary media landscape'.
7: Discuss the reason this topic area resonates so deeply with you?

(add a MEST4 label to your post)