Friday 23 September 2011

YEAR 13 - Blog and Twitter Checklist

Hi all,

I know you are furiously working on your Critical Investigations, preparing for your presentations next week! But can I please remind you that the following should have been done by now:

* Sign up to Twitter

- Create a profile outline (picture/summary)
- Change the basic formating and personalise your twitter page.
- Follow the class twitter @Media1stbda
- Subscribe to the class twitter via mobile notifications
- Follow everyone that @media1stbda follows
- Create a 'Media studies List' and put key people relevant to your course/work in there, so that stream remains 'pure' (@media1stbda should be there!)

* Create a personal Media Blog on Blogger
- Create a basic profile for youir blog
- Send Ms Okezie a direct message on Twitter with your blog url address
- Follow the class blog ( - see the tweet I sent with the url

* Complete Weekly Blog posts
- 1 - The first one should have been an opening introduction to you and the year ahead.
- 2 - From then on, you should be using the blog to record your progress with your CI. It should be a reflective journal on the work you have done and the insights you have gleaned from your research.

Wednesday 21 September 2011

YEAR 12 - Textual Analysis of a Print Advert

- TASK -

Find an interesting print advert online (ideally featuring at least one person) and upload it onto your blog.

Carry out a textual analysis of the advert, using the key ideas: colour, composition, framing, size, type of shot, subject matter, setting, lighting, pose.

Write in full sentences, use paragraphs, proofread your work for spelling/punctuation, and remember to include, "This connotes..." as often as possible.

Collect and use the Key Concepts Glossary Sheet: try to include media terminology where possible (as much as you can) and highlight each keyword a different colour from the rest of the text.

Remember to focus particularly on Media Language, Institutions, Audience and Representation.

To help you, collect a copy of a model B grade answer (although this is for a film poster - you're doing adverts for a specific product).

Tuesday 20 September 2011

YEAR 12 - Tuesday 20th September - Class work - To be completed independently.


Using the 4 Key Concepts that you have been introduced to…

Write a 150 words discussing…..
“To what extent is The opening of Children of Men ‘cinematic genius’


Make notes on the following final three Key Concepts.

**Year 12s** - The Importance of DOING YOUR WORK ON TIME

Sadly we are not off to a great start with the organisation of your independent workflow. Since we started the course - You have been asked to do the following:

* Sign up to Twitter
- Create a basic profile outline (picture/summary)
- Follow the class twitter (@Media1stbda
- Subscribe to the class twitter via mobile notifications
- Follow everyone that @media1stbda follows

* Create a personal Media Blog on Blogger
- Create a basic profile for youir blog
-Send Ms Okezie a direct message on Twitter with your blog url address
- follow the class blog ( - see tweet I sent with url

* Complete Two Blog posts
- 1 - Write about your first week of lessons and what you have learnt and how you are feeling at thi stage
- 2 - Write a textual analysis on a 'text' of your choice, using two (of the four) key concepts that we have covered.

* All your 'Friday - Media Round Up - tasks set by Ms Pretsell


Now you know if you have completed all of those things or not, and I am very disappointed to say that not ONE person has done ALL of them. All of you have done some parts, Some of you have most parts, but not one person has done everything. This is frankly unacceptable and not the sort of work ethic I expect from A level students.

Please ensure that you have completed all of the above PLUS todays work! (see other post) before you return to my lesson tomorrow.


Wednesday 14 September 2011


Welcome to the Media A Level Blog,

This is going to be a community blog this year, with both year 12 and year 13 students and two teachers giving you valuable insight.

Here you will be able to
* Get Task instructions, feedback and help
* Converse with one another on assignments and general Media issues
* Access the blogs of other students

The expectation is that you connect regularly with this blog and show consistent activity on your personal blog.

There will be prizes for the best blogs across each year group, so get blogging!

See you soon.