Wednesday 21 September 2011

YEAR 12 - Textual Analysis of a Print Advert

- TASK -

Find an interesting print advert online (ideally featuring at least one person) and upload it onto your blog.

Carry out a textual analysis of the advert, using the key ideas: colour, composition, framing, size, type of shot, subject matter, setting, lighting, pose.

Write in full sentences, use paragraphs, proofread your work for spelling/punctuation, and remember to include, "This connotes..." as often as possible.

Collect and use the Key Concepts Glossary Sheet: try to include media terminology where possible (as much as you can) and highlight each keyword a different colour from the rest of the text.

Remember to focus particularly on Media Language, Institutions, Audience and Representation.

To help you, collect a copy of a model B grade answer (although this is for a film poster - you're doing adverts for a specific product).

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