Remember your work has to be above and beyond what you did for your AS. It needs to be fit for purpose - which means it could be used in the professional world.
You need to INVEST some time in production training. (I am verrrrrrrry fussy!) so I have subscribed to this wonderful site ( and I expect you to ensure that you push your production knowledge to a standard where you LEARN new and more polished ways of doing things.
TASK 4 = MAKING OF MEDIA PRODUCT – DEADLINE = 22nd February 2012 Production Time! Keep a progress log (to be submitted on blog) of every step you take. Remember that the quality and professionalism of this production MUST be 10X that of your AS work. There can be no areas of sloppiness or average effort. Look in detail at the Mark Scheme and consider what level you are working at. |
Please bring your folders - to our next lesson - ready to present everything you have done to date!