Monday 23 January 2012

YEAR 13: - You Should have started Production Now!!

Hi all,

We are here in your MEST 4 process:

TASK 3 =  Pre-Production/MOCK UP.       DEADLINE = 18th January 2012

Create Mock ups of your production. With annotations explaining your choices and showing how they link to the mark scheme.

Complete varied satisfaction surveys/reviews with actual target audience and record results.

Re-do Mock ups – in light of recommended changes.   DEADLINE = 25th January 2012

Therefore you should have finalised ALL your Mock ups (at least two different versions for the entire project) and completed quick review surveys to check which one audiences like better. 

By Wednesday your folders should be organised and up to date - ready for checking and you should have your image planning sheets to hand - so you can start finalising image choices (think about your photo shoots and how you are going to create amazing, professional shots!)  

Remember ANY issues ... tweet / email me! (

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