Wednesday, 30 November 2011

YEAR 12 - Your EXAM Case Study.. The Work Starts NOW....

Cross Media Case Study

You must walk into the exam with a thorough investigation of three media texts from the BROADCAST platform.

* They must all be linked in that they explore THE FAMILY.
* Although they are based primarily on the Broadcast platform, you must investigate how they use 'synergy' and utilise the Print and E-Media platforms also.

* Final outcome - You must submit a presentation on your case study - using media production skills (powerpoint, voice narration / audio - video clips etc)

For your presentation - ALL Steps MUST be completed fully (For each TEXT!) - How you choose to do this is up to you. (suggestions are above)

STEPS - You must show evidence of all of this work.

Choose a text that explores THE FAMILY on Broadcast Fiction.

Analyse the audience, institution, representations and media language of that text (MIGRAIN)

Then you'll need to find out all you can about how and where it was promoted, looking at print, moving image and e-media. 

Lots of close analysis of the website(s) - what audiences (note the plural) are different elements of the sites aimed at etc.

Then look at promotion in print: magazines and newspaper reviews but also any other promotions involving the stars or competitions connected

Then you'll need to consider any other promotions in moving image, (trailer(s) but also on-the-sofa interviews on Breakfast TV / late night shows etc. 

Add to that anything else - the use of any other e-media / new technology promotions - endorsements etc.

Keep relating all of these back to how the text is aiming for the widest possible audiences (and therefore revenues!) and how it portrays THE FAMILY

Bringing all three texts together in your discussion :

How are texts in the three platforms constructed?

• Are there similarities and differences in the way the area is dealt with in each platform?

• What type of media language is used and how?

• How are genre codes used?

• How do texts within the three platforms construct narrative?

How do audiences access texts across the three platforms?

• Do the texts enable different types of audience activity and/or interaction?

• Are audiences able to play a role in the construction of media texts? (UGC)

• Are there differences in the audience gratifications offered across the three platforms?

How are representations constructed and are there similarities and/or differences across the platforms?

• What values and ideologies are communicated within the representation?

What institutional issues are raised by the topic areas?

• How are institutions reacting to change in technology?

• How are institutions attempting to reach and engage their audiences?

• What economic issues are behind the construction and distribution of contemporary media texts?

synergy, intertextuality, cross-media promotion, public service remit and other obligations, censorship & control, news and entertainment values, the technologies used in the production and reception process.


Monday, 28 November 2011

YEAR 13 - DRAFT ESSAY'S DUE! & Linked Production Starts!

Hi all,

Please remember that your draft essay is due this week Wednesday 30th Nov 

- You should come to lesson with it printed out and ready to submit.
- Also have it uploaded onto your blog with the title Full Draft Essay
- Please include a word count - must be between 1900 and 2100 words ONLY
- You must have a bibliography (see example of layout in previous posts)

- Do not cut corners here - this is 50% of your final grade! Do the work!


- Next lesson you will be asked to present on your LINKED PRODUCTION IDEA! Remember your production should be directly connected to the topic you have researched. There should be a clear 'link e.g If I did a research project on the impact of music videos on girls, I could do a website/article of an obsessed fan who dreams of being a video vixen illustrating how she was influenced by videos and the negative effect they have had on her. OR I could do a website/article of an artist (that I create) and how they strive to make positive videos that inspire and motivate people.

- So you should have decided what platform you will work on.
- What text type you will be creating 
- Have at least 3 different ideas of what type of content your chosen text will have 
- Decide whether you will be subverting your topic or conforming to your topic, 

All these decisions should be made and ready for exploration.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

YEAR 12 - Untouchables Editing Analysis

Watch the scene from The Untouchables at least 2 times (taking notes on the second viewings).

On your blog, write a definition for the word 'suspense'

Then answer the following questions:

  1. How is editing used to build suspense in the scene?
  2. How is time 'expanded' through the use of editing as the pram falls down the steps?
Consider the effect of:
Long takes
Cuts to point of view shots
Fast cutting
cross cutting

Year 12 - My Mums New Boyfriend - Trailer Analysis

Answer the following questions in detail on the following trailer

1: Media Forms: How does the trailer use media language to estabilsh the film's genre

2: Media Representations: How is 'The Family' represented in this trailer

3: Media Institutions: What Hollywood values can you identify in this trailer

4: Media Audiences: In what ways does the trailer promote the film to its target audience?

Year 12 - Should Big Media Institutions Work Together

Watch this bbc report video:

Now read this article about the launch of Murdoch's 'iNewspaper' carefully then answer the following questions in detail on your blog: (The title should be the same as this blog post)

 1: Why are Steve Jobs and Rupert Murdoch working together on this joint venture? What will be the benefits for each of them? Could collaborating present any disadvantages for either Murdoch or Jobs?

2: How will other media institutions be affected by the introduction of the Daily for the iPad?

3: Write a definition for the term synergy. Is the Daily an example of synergy? Explain.

4: Write a definition for the term convergence. Is the Daily an example of convergence? Explain.

5: Which other newspapers have successfully launched web editions? (Embed pictures of their websites in your answer)

6: Why is Murdoch "running counter to current thinking" regarding online newspapers?

7: The Daily is intended to combine "a tabloid sensibility with a broadsheet intelligence". Explain what this means.

8: A survey found that "...readers spent more time immersed in their iPads than they did – comparatively speaking — on the internet, where unfocused surfing is typical." Why do you think this is?

9: What are the advantages and disadvantages of this collaboration between News Corporation and Apple for the audience/consumer? Explain your ideas in as much detail as possible.

9: Has The Daily been a success? Why/Why not?

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Tweet Away....The Fun and Power of Twitter....

Twitter - The Story Circle

I will start a conversation off and then in seat order you have to respond and keep the conversation going.... (make sure you are following everyone in class!) 

TWITTER is one of the most powerful social engagement tools out there. Today you will spend some time exploring how useful it can be for research and exposure.

1: If you have a smart phone - please make sure that you are signed up to recive SMS notification from Media1st (Go to my profile page and click on the phone icon under the name - right hand side - then sign up there)

2: Make sure you are following 3 key public figures/companies from
- Politics
- Press
- TV
- Film
- Education
- Reality TV
- University 
- Connected to your Career plans
- Connected to your hobbies/ interests

3:  Create a 'Media' list on Twitter
- Add all other A level students to it (you can just add everyone that Media1st follows)
- Add @Mashable  - @adage -

4: Have a look at the Public Timeline for Twitter

- Write about 3 things that you notice regarding the current conversations, topics, styles, on the timeline
- Is there anyone whose profile you are interested in viewing (go on) - Are they worth following...

5: Tweet 3 quotes/sayings that you find inspirational
- Retweet - 3 tweets from people you follow
- Respond to 5 tweets in your timeline

YEAR 12 - The Depiction of Family in Brick Lane

Write a 400 word analysis on the depiction of Family in the Film Brick Lane.

Please make sure you interweave ALL the Key concepts into your analysis
Remember CRITICAL AUTOMONY - so try and come at things from a fresh and unique point of view.
Add your word count to the bottom of your post.

Monday, 14 November 2011

YEAR 13 - It's CI Essay Time!

Now that you have done such amazingly thorough research work around your topic, it is time to now bring that all together and start formulating your actual 2000 word essays.


(Remember you don't have to write a straight essay! You could present your topic in an entirely different way.....)

Please look carefully at your coursework booklets as multiple deadlines are about to hit.

You have

 TASK 4 =  Detailed CI Essay Plan
(5 Part Formal Essay/Presentation/Commentary) You MUST address the Mark Criteria in your plan.
DEADLINE = 16th November 2011
Regardless of your presentation Format. Your report must equal to approximately 2000 words. (look at examples to see expectations.)

Submission of draft Bibliography (items planned to be included)
Task 5 = Submission of Full DRAFT 1. Using ALL your research, complete your Critical Investigation Essay.                                                                DEADLINE = 30th November 2011
You must use formal language/ technical language and show evidence of ALL the work that you have done. (look at examples to see expectations.) 
Submission of full and final Bibliography (items actually cited)  

But you also have......

Linked Production

* FINALISE IDEA:                                 

DEADLINE = 30th November  2011

Your production must have a DIRECT/CLEAR link to your CI topic. (You can either demonstrate the issue or subvert the conventions you have discovered)

Read the Mark Criteria for this section. Does your idea allow for level 4 marks?

Friday, 11 November 2011

YEAR 13 - Tasks 1, 2, 3 - ** DUE NOW **

Dear A2s

Tasks 1, 2 and 3 are now DUE and should be reflected on your blog.

* Please Call each blog post Task(?) and the appropriate name.

* Your blog should reflect EVERYTHING you have done to date,

* Where you have work in your folder - you should make reference to this on your blog, so we know to look there.

* By the end of today - I will give you a mark based on WHAT IS ON YOUR BLOG! Ensure that there are no gaps otherwise you will be faced with forced catch up sessions and that's just embarrassing.

ANY issues - Get in touch with me (Tweet/email/Comment below) - A reminder of what is in your assignment booklet is below:

PLEASE WRITE 'COMPLETED' as a comment when you have finished this!

TASK 1 = Contemporary TEXTUAL ANALYSIS  (+ relevant Historical textual analysis)                                             DEADLINE = 19th October  2011

Decide on the main text(s) for your CI. Do DETAILED thorough (wide date ranging) textual MIGRAIN analysis of the text(s)
* Ensure that you address ALL platforms in your analysis of the text.
*Gather lots of Material/track  hourly work log/keep a blog journal of reflections as you proceed.

TASK 2 = BOOK/ARTICLE RESEARCH                                            DEADLINE = 2nd November  2011

Present a detailed study on the theories and viewpoints that surround your topic. What are the issues and debates concerning your CI -Who– What- Why-How
*Gather lots of Material/track  hourly work log/keep a blog journal of reflections as you proceed.
Present a detailed study into the online sites that contribute to your topic. They should be cross-cultural and wide-ranging in terms of ‘author’ and scope.

*Gather lots of Material/track  hourly work log/keep a blog journal of reflections as you proceed.

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

YEAR 12 (HW) - Media Mag Conference Review - (+work for those who missed it)

Dear Students

Please complete the following for Homework: - Due Tuesday 15th November 

Blog Post Title = Media Magazine Conference 5/11/11

Formally write up (in detail) ALL your notes from the Conference: - Yes Chris! -

* Include a precise summary of the different sections/topics and speakers and then
* The Key things you took away from it.

* Research 1 speaker from the event - Present your findings.
* Research 1 topic/theme discussed - present your findings.

 Once you have finished - write "Completed" as a comment to this post! 
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)


Dear Jack and Rahsaan

Since you missed the conference complete the following task instead -

Blog Post Title = Student Demonstrations - The Media's Story  

Research and write a 600 word report on your findings concerning:
"How the Media's Reported The Student Demonstrations" - (that took place on the 9th November 2011) 

This is due on Tuesday 15th November. 

Once you have finished this - write "Completed" as a comment to this post! 
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)

YEAR 12 - Film Industry Questions

On your own blog, Start a new post entitled - Film Overview -

With full, exam style answers, complete the following two sections of work:


1: List the stages a film goes through from the initial idea to exhibition in the cinema.
Use this Website To help You 

2: What is film distribution? Write a careful explanation.

3: What was the Hollywood 'studio system' in the 1930's and 40's?

4: In what ways is the process of film production, distribution and exhibition different today?

5: Write a definition of the following and give two examples for each term:
  • Horizontal integration
  • Vertical integration
 6: Once you have finished - write "Completed" as a comment to this post! 
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)


1. Select a film produced by Twentieth Century Fox for exhibition in the UK (

2. Research the many different ways it is brought to the attention of an audience through the use of other media companies associated with Fox and News Corporation. Remember, bad publicity is often as useful as good publicity.

3: Also consider what additional tie-ins are used to promote the film, for example, links with fast-food chains, toy companies, mobile phone companies and/ or computer game manufacturers. Post all your research on your blog.

4. Prepare a visually creative 3 minute powerpoint presentaton about your findings to present to the class.

5: Save your slides as images (You press cmd/shift/3 to take a print screen on a Mac computer)  - CROP them and upload to your blog post

 6: Once you have finished - write another "Completed" as a comment to this post! 
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)

Under no circumstances is any of this work to be left undone - If you get stuck, FIND a WAY around it! I expect that this work is all completed by the end of your Lesson Today!  If I do not get two "Completed" from you, and do not see the quality results on your blogs, I'm afraid you will have some serious explaining to do - in CCC