Monday 28 November 2011

YEAR 13 - DRAFT ESSAY'S DUE! & Linked Production Starts!

Hi all,

Please remember that your draft essay is due this week Wednesday 30th Nov 

- You should come to lesson with it printed out and ready to submit.
- Also have it uploaded onto your blog with the title Full Draft Essay
- Please include a word count - must be between 1900 and 2100 words ONLY
- You must have a bibliography (see example of layout in previous posts)

- Do not cut corners here - this is 50% of your final grade! Do the work!


- Next lesson you will be asked to present on your LINKED PRODUCTION IDEA! Remember your production should be directly connected to the topic you have researched. There should be a clear 'link e.g If I did a research project on the impact of music videos on girls, I could do a website/article of an obsessed fan who dreams of being a video vixen illustrating how she was influenced by videos and the negative effect they have had on her. OR I could do a website/article of an artist (that I create) and how they strive to make positive videos that inspire and motivate people.

- So you should have decided what platform you will work on.
- What text type you will be creating 
- Have at least 3 different ideas of what type of content your chosen text will have 
- Decide whether you will be subverting your topic or conforming to your topic, 

All these decisions should be made and ready for exploration.

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