With full, exam style answers, complete the following two sections of work:
1: List the stages a film goes through from the initial idea to exhibition in the cinema.
Use this Website To help You
2: What is film distribution? Write a careful explanation.
3: What was the Hollywood 'studio system' in the 1930's and 40's?
4: In what ways is the process of film production, distribution and exhibition different today?
5: Write a definition of the following and give two examples for each term:
- Horizontal integration
- Vertical integration
6: Once you have finished - write "Completed" as a comment to this post!
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)SECTION B:
1. Select a film produced by Twentieth Century Fox for exhibition in the UK (www.foxmovies.com)
2. Research the many different ways it is brought to the attention of an audience through the use of other media companies associated with Fox and News Corporation. Remember, bad publicity is often as useful as good publicity.
3: Also consider what additional tie-ins are used to promote the film, for example, links with fast-food chains, toy companies, mobile phone companies and/ or computer game manufacturers. Post all your research on your blog.
4. Prepare a visually creative 3 minute powerpoint presentaton about your findings to present to the class.
5: Save your slides as images (You press cmd/shift/3 to take a print screen on a Mac computer) - CROP them and upload to your blog post
6: Once you have finished - write another "Completed" as a comment to this post!
(I get an email notification when you do this and I will be able to check your work!)Under no circumstances is any of this work to be left undone - If you get stuck, FIND a WAY around it! I expect that this work is all completed by the end of your Lesson Today! If I do not get two "Completed" from you, and do not see the quality results on your blogs, I'm afraid you will have some serious explaining to do - in CCC
Completed section A
Completed Section A
Completed Section A!!!
Completed Section B
Completed section A
Completed Section B!
Ive already Section A and the Homework, Just got a tiny bit left on Section B that ive been stuck on
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